
Annual General Meeting

The club AGM will take place on Saturday 27th April 2024 at The Pilot, Canford Heath. Join us from 14:00 to have your say in how the club is run and to vote in the club’s new Elected Management Committee for season 2024/25.

If you have any agenda items you would like to be included please send them to clubenquiries@poolehockeyclub.co.uk, by 7pm on Wednesday 24th April.


Elected Management Committee roles

Click the role titles to see a description of each: Chairperson / Vice Chairperson / Secretary / Treasurer

If you would like to nominate yourself for one of these roles please email our Club President, Adrian Potter at president@poolehockeyclub.co.uk by 7pm Wednesday 24th April stating which role you would like to be considered for and include a named sponsor.

We encourage everyone to consider getting involved with running the club.


AGM agenda

1. Apologies

2. Approval of previous minutes, available here

3. Season 2023/24 reports

* Chairperson

* Treasurer, including presentation of draft accounts, recommendation of 2024/25 membership and match fees

* Club Disciplinary Officer

* Coaching

* Teams (Juniors / Men 1,2,3 / Women 1,2) – presented at relevant awards event, only referenced at AGM

4. Ashdown Leisure Centre update, including approval to:

* Work with BCP Council to enter into a Community Use Agreement

* Create a fundraising working group for pitch resurfacing

5. Proposed constitution amends, draft available here

_____Season 2023/24 closed, season 2024/25 commences_____

1. Election of Club President

2. Election of Honorary Members (newly appointed President)

* Life Members

* Vice Presidents

3. Election of Elected Management Committee

* Chairperson (newly appointed President)

* Vice Chairperson (newly appointed Chairperson)

* Secretary (newly appointed Chairperson)

* Treasurer (newly appointed Chairperson)

4. 2024/25 Membership & Match Fees (newly appointed Treasurer)

5. Dates for your diary (newly appointed Chairperson)

6. Chairperson's closing statement (newly appointed Chairperson)

7. AOB (newly appointed Chairperson) – only items notified to the Chairperson / Secretary in advance (by 7pm on Wednesday 24th April) will be considered. The Chairperson may invite discussion of other items after the meeting has finally closed.