
Annual General Meeting

The club AGM will take place on Saturday 27th April 2024 at The Pilot, Canford Heath. Join us from 14:00 to have your say in how the club is run and to vote in the club’s new Elected Management Committee for season 2024/25.

If you have any agenda items you would like to be included please send them to clubenquiries@poolehockeyclub.co.uk, by 7pm on Wednesday 24th April.


Elected Management Committee roles

Click the role titles to see a description of each: Chairperson / Vice Chairperson / Secretary / Treasurer

If you would like to nominate yourself for one of these roles please email our Club President, Adrian Potter at president@poolehockeyclub.co.uk by 7pm Wednesday 24th April stating which role you would like to be considered for and include a named sponsor.

We encourage everyone to consider getting involved with running the club.


AGM agenda

1. Apologies

2. Approval of previous minutes, available here

3. Season 2023/24 reports

* Chairperson

* Treasurer, including presentation of draft accounts, recommendation of 2024/25 membership and match fees

* Club Disciplinary Officer

* Coaching

* Teams (Juniors / Men 1,2,3 / Women 1,2) – presented at relevant awards event, only referenced at AGM

4. Ashdown Leisure Centre update, including approval to:

* Work with BCP Council to enter into a Community Use Agreement

* Create a fundraising working group for pitch resurfacing

5. Proposed constitution amends, draft available here

_____Season 2023/24 closed, season 2024/25 commences_____

1. Election of Club President

2. Election of Honorary Members (newly appointed President)

* Life Members

* Vice Presidents

3. Election of Elected Management Committee

* Chairperson (newly appointed President)

* Vice Chairperson (newly appointed Chairperson)

* Secretary (newly appointed Chairperson)

* Treasurer (newly appointed Chairperson)

4. 2024/25 Membership & Match Fees (newly appointed Treasurer)

5. Dates for your diary (newly appointed Chairperson)

6. Chairperson's closing statement (newly appointed Chairperson)

7. AOB (newly appointed Chairperson) – only items notified to the Chairperson / Secretary in advance (by 7pm on Wednesday 24th April) will be considered. The Chairperson may invite discussion of other items after the meeting has finally closed.


Contact Us

Please email us:

 Black email  clubenquiries@poolehockeyclub.co.uk



Our welfare officer can be contacted by emailing:

Black email welfare@poolehockeyclub.co.uk




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