
Interested to come and have a go? Contact us at clubenquiries@poolehockeyclub.co.uk to find out more. Or just come along to one of our coaching sessions, first session free no obligation - come and have a go to see if you like it. Coaching sessions are held at Ashdown Leisure Centre:

Junior players

School years 1, 2 & 3 Saturdays 09:00 - 10:00
School years 4, 5, 6 & 7 Tuesdays 18:00 - 19:00


Senior players

Men development (3s) Tuesdays 18:30 - 20:00
Women development (2s) Tuesdays 19:00 - 20:30
Women 1s Tuesdays 20:00 - 21:30
Men 1 & 2s Wednesdays 20:00 - 21:30


We manage our club membership via a mobile app called Teamo. Click here to sign up, we will then allocate you to the correct sections of the club.


Once you've decided you want to join and you're all set up on Teamo, membership fees will be invoiced through Teamo and payment should be made through Teamo.

Membership Fees for 2024/25

Membership fees will be invoiced via Teamo. The first payment is due by 30th September and will cover 70% of your membership fee. The outstanding amount is due by 31st December (see note 4 below).

Please remember that the club has a number of financial obligations at the beginning of the season and prompt payment is appreciated.

Category Fee
Family (see note 1 below) £185.00
Senior (working 30hrs or more per week) £130.00
Concession (see note 2 below) £80.00
Social (see note 3 below) £80.00

Note 1: Family membership must include at least one under 16, designed for family living in the same house. All family members are responsible for the fees until payment is made in full.

Note 2: Full-time education with more than 16 hrs study per week / on an official apprenticeship scheme which includes study / working less than 30hrs per week.

Note 3: Social membership is suited to those wanting to attend coaching sessions without the ability/desire to commit to regular matches. This allows for up to 7 matches to be played, priority will be given to full members and therefore we cannot guarantee matches when available to play.

Please do speak to any of the Elected Management Committee if you need more time or help to make payments.

The following rules have been introduced to help with managing club finances:

- 1st membership fee payment due by end of September.
- All membership fees due by end of December.
- Allowable maximum total debt (membership fees plus match fees), players over these amounts will not selected to play matches.
              * Between Oct and Dec – £50.
              * From Jan – 3 matches.


Contact Us

Please email us:

 Black email  clubenquiries@poolehockeyclub.co.uk



Our welfare officer can be contacted by emailing:

Black email welfare@poolehockeyclub.co.uk




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