
On Saturday 27th April 2024 we held the club AGM at The Pilot, Canford Heath.

The full minutes from the meeting can be found here or alternatively, you can follow the links below to read the sections of most interest to you.

Club award winners can be found at www.poolehockeyclub.co.uk/about-us/news.


Agenda item   Link to section in the minutes
1. Apologies

Click here

2. Approval of previous minutes, available here
3. Season 2023/24 reports Chairperson Click here
  Treasurer Click here
  Discipline Click here
  Coaching Click here
  Teams Juniors Click here
    Men 1 Click here
    Women 1 Click here
    Men 2 Click here
    Women 2 Click here
    Men 3 / Dolphins Click here
    Mixed Click here
4. Ashdown Leisure Centre update Click here
5. Proposed constitution amends, draft available here Click here
  _____Season 2023/24 closed, season 2024/25 commences_____
1. Election of Honorary Club President Click here
2. Election of Honorary Members
3. Election of Executive Management Committee Chairperson
  Vice Chairperson
4. 2024/25 Membership & Match Fees Click here
5. Dates for your diary
6. Chairperson's closing statement Click here
7. AOB Click here

Contact Us

Please email us:

 Black email  clubenquiries@poolehockeyclub.co.uk



Our welfare officer can be contacted by emailing:

Black email welfare@poolehockeyclub.co.uk




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